Monday, July 20, 2015

How To Make: DreamMelon Float

Bonjour! Today I have, as promised, a recipe perfect for summer. Dubbed DreamMelon Float, it is packed with fruity goodness and makes a refreshing drink for anytime, anywhere.

You Will Need:
  • 1 gallon of sherbet (lime/strawberry used here)
  • 2 bottles of carbonated water
  • 1 watermelon
You Will:
  • Spoon about a dozen scoops of sherbet into a jug or other container (amount of sherbet can be tweaked at your discretion)
  • Pour in carbonated water (again, at your discretion)
  • Mix well, depending how much you want the sherbet to be liquified
  • Cool and serve (this will potentially cause the sherbet to melt completely. You can also freeze the drink to create a tropical medley-flavored sherbet)
  • Add a slice of watermelon to the top of the glass and enjoy, or cube a piece of watermelon to add floaters in the drink.
3 ingredients, so many choices!

xoxo, Sara

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

=| Stars and Stripes |=


I hope you all had a spectacular Independence Day! Mine was filled with good food, s'mores, and watermelon dreams and some (safe) poppy confetti things at night. We also enjoyed the illegal fireworks that were uncomfortably close to our house and which caused excessive air/street pollution and hearing problems some days afterward. All in all, a fun day full of calories. I love America.

Also, if you are enjoying the pink frothiness of Watermelon Dream in the above picture, I will be posting the recipe soon! Sugar awaits! -sugar?- Adventure. Adventure awaits.

White Tee: Old | Denim Shirt: Thrifted | Shoes/Sunnies: Walmart | Love Crossbody: Gifted

xoxoxo, Sara

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Forest Fantasy (AKA the Hunger Games)


 Another week, another adventure!

The woods are often full of surprises, but this time they were full of unpleasant surprises. Lurking surprises. The kind of surprises that attach themselves to your flesh and suck the everliving blood out of it. Times 100. At this point, you may have accurately deduced that I am referring to the miniature vampires also known as mosquitoes. And while many people are already aware of this fact, it is from this experience that I learned you NEVER EVER EVER in your right mind visit woods containing various bodies of water after it has rained for the past week. Because APPARENTLY those various bodies of water are the breeding grounds of massive amounts of mosquitoes and their distant relatives. And maybe even their ex's. And probably the ex's neighbors. And that was the time I became a walking display of human bubble wrap and why three days later I will start ferociously rubbing various parts of my body to alleviate the constant itchies that the mosquites' feasting puckers left all over my poor little body of flesh. Hence, "The Hunger Games". And let's not even start on the concern of West Nile virus.

Despite all of that, the woods are truly beautiful when they have fresh leaves and little sparkling pools of water. Even better was the moment when a couple of deer came out to feed, which almost made the bites worth getting. Almost.

So here is my advice to you fellow explorers (as I quickly pause to scratch myself): Bug spray is the new black. Don't make the same mistake I did!

Adventures await!

Top: White Plum | Skirt: Thrifted | Shoes: Shoetopia (embellished by moi) | Backpack: Gifted

xoxo, Sara