Saturday, March 29, 2014

Brambles and Buds Part II

Bonjour!  As the second installation of Briars and Buds, I bring you even more stickers and tall grass from one of my favorite locations. Honestly, it's so hard to enjoy spring break knowing it only lasts one week, but I was such a happy breaker getting to sleep in every day. Maybe it's sad being happy to be lazy, but who doesn't love sleeping in?

It's going to be cuh-razzzy around here in a couple weeks, with my 20th birthday, a concert, a college field trip, the start of an 18-week brain study participation (how cool is that!!!), and my final time teaching in Kinesiology class. I can't wait to see it all blows over! Hopefully I can share everything as it happens.

Until next time, Sara

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Brambles and Buds

post signatureBonjour!!!!!

 Yesterday was the *perfect* example of a spring day. 67 degrees, a strong breeze, and just enough warmth to go without a coat. Unfortunately, the only flowers around are the ones you can wear. There are, however, buckets and buckets worth of sticker bushes with which to burden yourself as you try to go about your way through a patch of woods. I almost didn't think I'd make it out alive. :) I hope there will be many more days like this in the near future!!!

Top/Belt: Thrifted | Skirt: Old | Shoes: Thrifted with a touch of refab (involving zebra material and mod podge)

Happy trails!
xoxo, Sara

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What I Made Wednesday: Bonjour Paris Laptop Case

 Today I have a DIY project featuring one of my favorite things... Paris!!!

What You Need:
  • Laptop Case
  • Fabric Paint (I used pink, white, and sparkly)
  • Pictures of the Eiffel tower to help draw it

 I hope you enjoyed this DIY as much as I loved doing it!!! I've gotten several compliments over it since I made it, and it really adds a sparkle to an otherwise boring laptop case.
xoxo, Sara