I can't believe the school year is ready to start back up again. My younger sister will be joining me in college this year, and of course being the big sister/ experienced college student, I get to show her the ropes. And of course the guy on the tightrope that practices on the Main Quad. It's always funny to watch people try to walk it and end up falling off (it's only like 3 feet off the ground, so it's all good). Hopefully she won't want to try it too... after all, she has a history of breaking/ spraining body parts.
Unfortunately I have decided that I won't be studying art after all. As much as I love it and will be spending the rest of my life doing it, I feel like it is not the career choice for me, and instead am looking at Elementary education. I mean, when you spend as much time as I do playing "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" you kind of feel a calling for that exact line of work. Hopefully it will work out better than art did.
From one lady to another, it's probably in everyone's best interest not to try a tightrope unless you are A. a trained professional, or B. have a rubber mat below you. Those things just scream "Fall off me! Fall off me!".
Top/Skirt: Thrifted, Belt: Icing, Hair Wrap: Michael's (yes, yes I do have an obsession with Michael's. It's all good when you have a gift card as an excuse ;) ).
xoxo, Lady S.
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