Christmas is quickly approaching, and still there's so much to do! Finding the right Christmas recipes to make for family get-togethers, decking the halls, mailing Christmas cards, the list goes on and on! So in between prepping the ham or tinseling the tree, check out Coral Reef Island. With frosty recipes, holiday how-tos, and more, Coral Reef Island has it all! (including cute little penguins all over the place!)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! No matter where we live, what we do, or who we are, we all have something to be thankful for. Good family, friends, life, liberty, shelter, food, love. The list goes on and on. So remember when you're carving into that delicious turkey to say thanks for all the things you have.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Check Out... All You Can Chew
Today I thought I would share this blog, All You Can Chew, that I just joined. It's pretty new, but it has some cute and random stories as well as die-for recipes. So be sure to visit when you can and tell her what you think!
"Slow Cooker Corn Beef" with added vegetables and herbs
"Slow Cooker Corn Beef" with added vegetables and herbs
Saturday, October 20, 2012
How to Have a Fabulous Fall
Fall has finally fallen! Pumpkin pie, bonfires, ghost stories, apple cider are here for the taking! With Halloween being in just two weeks, it feels like winter is just around the corner. In order to properly prepare for the season, I have created a short but sweet list of must-dos before winter takes over.
1. Hold a pumpkin-carving competition with a few friends
2. Go rake leaves for an elderly neighbor
3. Take a walk through a park and admire the fall colors
4. Make a pumpkin pie!
5. Have a (safe) bonfire with ghost stories!
6. Squeeze some fresh apple cider
7. Get lost in a corn maze
8. Shop for fall fashions
9. Invite a friend or two over for a scary movie marathon!
10. Host a Halloween party!
1. Hold a pumpkin-carving competition with a few friends |
3. Take a walk through a park and admire the fall colors
4. Make a pumpkin pie!
5. Have a (safe) bonfire with ghost stories! |
7. Get lost in a corn maze
8. Shop for fall fashions
9. Invite a friend or two over for a scary movie marathon!
10. Host a Halloween party!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Goodbye, Summer...
Hi again! Sorry, I 've been a little behind on my posts and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse... but I'll try to post whenever I can. Everything's going as well as can be expected at school. Hope you are all having a good week too. :) It's a little depressing thinking about the dog days of summer being almost over, but I'm pretty sure life would be even more intensely boring without the changing of the seasons... fall's coming, and bringing its beautiful colorful settings!
Until next time, keep those wheels spinning!
Until next time, keep those wheels spinning!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
True Beauty...
True Beauty. It's something that everyone wants, but seems just about unobtainable to everyone. Recently, I've been wondering just what true beauty means. Does it mean the best-looking makeup, the hair with the best products, the body with the curviest curves? I'm inclined to think not. Let's take a close look at the things that truly define us- and therefore our TRUE beauty- as a person. Is it our ability to make people smile? The way we give encouragement to friends and enemies alike? Or maybe it's the way we befriend everyone that walks into our lives. Whatever makes us feel beautiful, without having to look in a mirror to see it, is what defines us as truly beautiful. Not what we put on our faces, bodies, or heads, but what we already have, in our hearts and minds.
Friday, August 24, 2012
School Daze...
So who's ready for the school year? Not many, I'd imagine.
Whether it's offspring in grade school, siblings in high school, or selves in college, there's bound to be a lot of rushing around going on.
But I'll tell you what a big part of my wardrobe for school will be... fun plaids ! (went shopping yesterday especially for academic wardrobe :) )
Do you know someone who's prepping for school?
Image from:
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Featured Product: Glam Scissors Holster
Tired of losing your scissors while you work on a project? Sigh no more! This felt scissors holster will add crafty glam and a desire to finish those lay-around projects!
It attaches to belts for easy access, and is even scissors-proof on the inside, with a plasticky insulator to keep the scissors from cutting through. Find it at Walmart for a buck or two and be the sharp-cuttingest cowgirl in the craftroom!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Twice the Treasure...
(another viewpoint)
Here they are, my G-Sale treasures! Or at least some of them. Got several tops and a little cardi that I thought was purely adorable. Also got this
*Sigh* LOVE at first sight.
Local G-Sales can be found in the newspaper (it's that old printed thing with words and pictures that people used to get), on Craigslist, or just by driving around. So don't hesitate to visit your local garage sales. Some may be more like garbage sales rather than garage sales, but 75% of the time (my rough calculation), their old trash will become a new-to-you treasure. Can't wait for more bargain browsing. Until next time, keep shopping!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Awesome Finds...
Bonjour! Haven't been on for a loong time; been busy with a garage sale. If you want cute clothes for cheap, go garage sale hunting. I found some amazing tops which make me think I'm falling into a polka-dot trend... so fabulous. Anyway, I'll try to share a little bit of them later. G Sales are also good for little antique-y thing; found a little monkey soap dispenser at one. Until next time, au revoir!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Nuts for Coconuts...
The coconut is a huge summer-time symbol, like watermelon. It stands for sun, fun, and gorgeous beaches. With summer walking out the door, however, island getaways are going with it.
That is why Dr. Decor is prescribing coconuts for a happy, tropical look to keep the fall fever down and the summer swing staying around.
Tropical Arrangement: Keep a desk or table looking bright with half a coconut (I recommend fake. The real thing smells disgusting, especially if it has been sitting around for a long time), some seashells, and a faux flower. A little bottle of ocean- inspired gemstones are a cute addition, and can be found at some craft stores.
Tropical Fan Pull: Take a long piece of string or thin ribbon and half of a coconut (once again, fake coconuts seriously recommended), punch out the little holes in the top of the coconut, and string the ribbon through it. Tie a knot in the end of the ribbon to keep the nut from falling off. If you have trouble making a big enough knot, just take a barrette and fasten it between the knot and the hole. Add a couple flowers (hair flowers work fine). Take your seashell (or clam), carefully punch a hole in it, and string the ribbon through. Fasten a barrette between the string and the hole (this will keep it from sliding down the ribbon). Finally, tie the string/ribbon to your fan pull, securing it tightly. You don't want to end up getting konked by a coconut, after all.
Coconuts are good for a lot of uses: moisturizers, shampoos, drinks, even coconut M and M's. So go nuts... over coconuts!!!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Nature Inspired Paper Flower and Vase
You Will Need:
- Empty Hairspray Container, Gluestick, Glue (Bottled), Tape, Scissors, Paper, Small Piece of Wire (or Pipecleaner), Streamers.
What To Do:
1. Take off the bottle's top. Cut paper to fit bottle under the slope, then secure with tape. Cut a piece of streamer to wrap around bottle's middle, then tape ends together.
2. Fold paper in half, then cut out flower shapes around the crease. This ensures evenness on both sides of the flower. Cut out about four, each decreasing in size. Glue (stick or bottle) in the middle of each flower and attach together, attaching the smallest flower last.
3. Cut up a small piece of streamer into confetti-like pieces. Take your bottled glue and put a couple drops in the middle of the smallest flower. Then, sprinkle your streamer pieces onto it, pressing gently to secure them. Let dry.
4. Make a circle in one end of the wire and secure, then tape to the bottom of the biggest flower. Wrap the wire around your finger to add the twists.
5. Now you can add the flower to the bottle. There are two ways you can do this:
A. Wrap the bottom of the wire around the outside neck of the bottle and twist to position the flower directly over the opening, or
B. Stick the wire inside the bottle and mess with it until it stays, making sure that the flower is visibly supported by the wire stem.
That's it! Now you can display it in a window for a sunny view
or put in on a table for fab flora decor!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Are you an Obsessed Blogger?
Do you love to blog, or love to see what others blog? Do you find yourself staying up til the wee hours clicking and typing away? Or maybe you just do it to pass the time. Either way, if you want to find out if you're that obsessed blogger that you think you may be, answer these simple questions. It may save your life. Or at least social life.
1. You get on every five minutes to see if your favorite blogger has posted anything new.
A. Definitely. That blog is just so creative!
B. Occasionally when I'm bored
C. Five minutes? Try five months!
2. You're one of those bloggers that has to post right now, even if you have to maneuver around the cat that's on your lap just to get to the keyboard.
A. It's now or never!
B. That only happens on weekends
C. I don't even have a cat!
3. Whenever someone asks you a question while you're on the ol' blog, they get a mumbled "mmhm" and if they're lucky, a glazed look up from the computer.
A. Don't bother me when I'm in the zone!
B. I'm fully coherent when I'm blogging
C. No one catches me when I'm blogging- I'm on and off in the blink of an eye
4. The only time you stop blogging is when you fall asleep at the computer.
A. Nope. I sleep-blog!
B. I don't blog that early/late
C. I fall asleep when I blog!
5. Everybody knows what you're doing when you're doing it from your blog.
A. I like to keep people informed
B. I only post what I'm doing when it's interesting!
C. Not me
6. You even have a blog for your dog.
A. No, for my cat. Her life is more interesting than any mutt's!
B. Not quite there yet
C. I don't even have a dog!
7. You manage ten different blogs and have joined more than you can remember.
A. What's wrong with a blog for each of my interests?
B. I manage what I can handle and no more
C. You can have more than one blog?
8. You believe that if a blog doesn't have over one hundred members, it's not worth joining.
A. I find this to be completely true.
B. I'm happy being the first member
C. If it's my kind of blog, I don't care how many members it has.
9. You are popular for having the most up-to-date blog. How many other bloggers post 8 times a day?
A. Up-to-date is great!
B. I only post once or twice a day
C. I try to get in a post a week. Or twice a month.
10. You are an awesome blogger!
A. That's what everyone tells me
B. Aw, thanks!
C. I don't really consider myself a blogger
Mostly A's:
If you answered mostly A's, you may want to reconsider how much time you spend blogging. Do you exhaust yourself staring at a screen all day?Too much screen time is bad for anyone, and is sure to keep you from doing the things that really need to be done. Is the sink loaded with dirty dishes? Are the trash cans overflowing? If so, put down the laptop and walk away quickly. Life is calling!
Mostly B's:
If you answered mostly B's, good for you! You carefully balance the virtual world with reality. You know how to take breaks, but also when to get off. You also realize that too much computer time can be bad for you, but, when used wisely, can be good for you too!
Mostly C's:
If you answered mostly C's, I'm surprised you're still reading this! You obviously are busy with life and fit in a blog or two when you feel like there's nothing else to do. But a little blogging isn't bad. After visiting a few blogs, you may find yourself wanting to do that project that's been sitting there all those years, or wanting to redecorate that old piece of furniture in the living room. Blogging can bring out the creativity in all of us! Just be careful not to be over-bloggy, or you may end up like the person who answered mostly A's!
You may also want to consider getting a furry companion, even if you don't blog about them. They can be a person's best friend when humans won't (can be. that's not a 100% guarantee. Just ask my mother, whose cat despises her ;D).
1. You get on every five minutes to see if your favorite blogger has posted anything new.
A. Definitely. That blog is just so creative!
B. Occasionally when I'm bored
C. Five minutes? Try five months!
2. You're one of those bloggers that has to post right now, even if you have to maneuver around the cat that's on your lap just to get to the keyboard.
A. It's now or never!
B. That only happens on weekends
C. I don't even have a cat!
3. Whenever someone asks you a question while you're on the ol' blog, they get a mumbled "mmhm" and if they're lucky, a glazed look up from the computer.
A. Don't bother me when I'm in the zone!
B. I'm fully coherent when I'm blogging
C. No one catches me when I'm blogging- I'm on and off in the blink of an eye
4. The only time you stop blogging is when you fall asleep at the computer.
A. Nope. I sleep-blog!
B. I don't blog that early/late
C. I fall asleep when I blog!
5. Everybody knows what you're doing when you're doing it from your blog.
A. I like to keep people informed
B. I only post what I'm doing when it's interesting!
C. Not me
6. You even have a blog for your dog.
A. No, for my cat. Her life is more interesting than any mutt's!
B. Not quite there yet
C. I don't even have a dog!
7. You manage ten different blogs and have joined more than you can remember.
A. What's wrong with a blog for each of my interests?
B. I manage what I can handle and no more
C. You can have more than one blog?
8. You believe that if a blog doesn't have over one hundred members, it's not worth joining.
A. I find this to be completely true.
B. I'm happy being the first member
C. If it's my kind of blog, I don't care how many members it has.
9. You are popular for having the most up-to-date blog. How many other bloggers post 8 times a day?
A. Up-to-date is great!
B. I only post once or twice a day
C. I try to get in a post a week. Or twice a month.
10. You are an awesome blogger!
A. That's what everyone tells me
B. Aw, thanks!
C. I don't really consider myself a blogger
Mostly A's:
If you answered mostly A's, you may want to reconsider how much time you spend blogging. Do you exhaust yourself staring at a screen all day?Too much screen time is bad for anyone, and is sure to keep you from doing the things that really need to be done. Is the sink loaded with dirty dishes? Are the trash cans overflowing? If so, put down the laptop and walk away quickly. Life is calling!
Mostly B's:
If you answered mostly B's, good for you! You carefully balance the virtual world with reality. You know how to take breaks, but also when to get off. You also realize that too much computer time can be bad for you, but, when used wisely, can be good for you too!
Mostly C's:
If you answered mostly C's, I'm surprised you're still reading this! You obviously are busy with life and fit in a blog or two when you feel like there's nothing else to do. But a little blogging isn't bad. After visiting a few blogs, you may find yourself wanting to do that project that's been sitting there all those years, or wanting to redecorate that old piece of furniture in the living room. Blogging can bring out the creativity in all of us! Just be careful not to be over-bloggy, or you may end up like the person who answered mostly A's!
You may also want to consider getting a furry companion, even if you don't blog about them. They can be a person's best friend when humans won't (can be. that's not a 100% guarantee. Just ask my mother, whose cat despises her ;D).
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Rose-topped Watch Stand
You Will Need:
- Toilet-paper Roll, Clear Tape, Scissors, Paper to decorate the roll (or Ducktape), a flower (for the top), and, of course, Watches.
What To Do:
- Wrap the paper around the roll and secure with tape (for a glossy and sealed look, go over the papered roll with masking tape).
2. Now, the finishing touches...
Simply insert the flower in the top of the roll, add your watches and...
Voila! Your watches are fashionably organized on their own little tower!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Bad Hair Days...
Let me just start off by saying that I love having curly hair. Truly. But there comes a time (about three times every day, actually) when hair starts forgetting that it has curly tendencies and tries to be more like the shrubs lining the house. Yes, I mean bushy. And the only way to discipline it is by taking steel wool to it. Ok, maybe not steel wool. But it takes a long time to straighten out that wilderness. I have this problem a lot. But recently, I have been using a bottle of old shampooey type stuff that has done wonders for my hair (minus the smell). Normally, I don't let my hair do itself, but today, I didn't even have to brush it. It was perfect. So, here's some advice for fellow friends with curly craniums. Comb out your hair at night (after a shower is perfect), then style it around fingers, brushes, whatever, into the kind of curls you want. Wear it up overnight (I just clipped mine up to let the curls organize themselves, and while you think that it might be painful to sleep on clips, you don't really notice it that much), then in the morning when you take it down, you are strongly likely to see the kind of curls you want. If not, you may have a too-different hairtype, or your hair may be too far gone. But don't give up! Find a strategy that works for you.
Hello! And welcome to my brand-spanken new blog! I am soo excited to share my ideas and creations with you, and I hope that you won't hesitate to do the same with me! I can't wait to get started!
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