Saturday, May 23, 2015

April/May Moments


Top/Hat/Sunnies: Old | Skirt: Pick Your Plum | Belt: Icing

 Dress: eShakti | Belt/Shoes: Thrifted

  Celebrating Mother's Day with a throwback to the mid-1990s

Top: Ragstock | Skirt/Messenger Bag: Thrifted | Flip-flops: Hobby Lobby | Headband: Forever 21

Skirt: Gordman's 

Hat/Top/Skirt/Shoes: Thrifted | Tote: Bath and Body Works | Belt: Icing


Top/Skirt: Thrifted | Backpack: Gifted | Shoes: Shoetopia, Dress: Target | Bolero/Shoes: Thrifted

Ah, spring. It seems as if it is slowly slipping out of my life as a hotter summer seeps in through the window. April flew by in an assortment of excitement and discovery with the trip to Chicago, giveaway, birthday, and... the visit from the Vice President of the United States of America. As in, to this state. To this very city. To within a block of where I was in class on that particular day. We may be on different sides of the aisle, but when a globally known/famous/historical being is literally 3 minutes away, you bet there is a little bit of a to-do. Alas, though, my meeting with fame was postponed and the only rare thing I got to see that day
was a camel. And I didn't even have time to ride it. :(

This week, however, I was thankful to spend some time with my sisters as one prepares to leave for Italy tomorrow, and what better way to do that than with a little sushi, library-browsing, shopping, and campus sight-seeing with the youngers?

I have also come up with a summer bucket-list, as it were, to prevent summer boredom when not working. Here are my goals for Summer 2015:

1. Learn French
2. Re-learn Spanish
3. Learn some favorites on the piano/ brush up on old music
4. #3 repeated for ukulele
5. Practice the drums or sell them. Come on now, it's been 15 some years with those things dusting up in a corner. What is the hold-up??
6. Trade the flute in for a guitar. The whole clean-the-spit-out-after-using-the-thing is the most unattractive quality in woodwinds.
7. Plant seeds.
8. Exercise more. This is basically a second/ last-ditch attempt at my New Year's (failed) resolution.
9. Visit a state park in Illinois (I hear Starved Rock is pretty awesome) or explore Turkey Run in Indiana to a fuller extent. As in, actually enjoy it considering it is not class-based and will not require IDing rocks and geological formations or listening to a lecture when other visitors are off having the time of their lives hiking the canyons.
10. BLOG MORE!!!

1 and 2 are in progress, (n'est-ce pas?) and I am hoping beyond hope that the other things will force themselves upon me until I get them accomplished. Sometimes it takes a little drastic action to be motivated during summer break. ;)

What are your summer goals?



  1. Love your goals! Foreign language is not my thing. but my sister is fluent in French. My only goal for the summer is to survive and get to and from the Philippines in one piece haha.

    1. Sounds like fun! Good luck on your trip. :)


Thank you for a lovely comment.