Bonjour! It has been about two years since my last post, and so much has happened since then.
My beloved cat Sassy died, and after a month of grieving I decided it was time to adopt again. I found a cat at the Humane Society- actually, she reached out to me first- and a new 1-year-old named Dainty (I promise she was already named) came home within a couple of weeks. At first, I thought, "That is one quirky-looking cat!" because of her asymmetrical facial coloring, but it quickly grew on me. I wouldn't trade this kitty for anything in the world! She's my baby, complete with a travel backpack, baby pouch, carry sling, and stroller. And a full wardrobe. ;)
Secondly, I finally attained my own classroom last fall, having had an active teaching license for 3 years, and that has kept me VERY busy these last few months. I am glad to finally have a job that I am qualified for, but I do miss the laid-back home life of being a T.A.
Finally, I got my brown belt in Jeet Kune Do and my blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu this year! I have been training for two years now and it feels very rewarding to finally move on from the beginning white belt stages.
It has been a very different time this year, unlike any I have ever known, but who knows? Perhaps the blog will get another chance at life in the midst of the chaos!
All the best,