Bonjour all!
A very merry (albeit late) Christmas to you and an even more timely Happy New Year as well! Per happenstance/forever-occuring, I have been away from blogging for far too long with much else on my mind. Even though I am not blogging regularly like I want, I usually think about it at least once every day, seeing things that I would love to share or gaining inspiration that is worthy of blogging. The sad excuse? Motivation/Inspiration deprivation. Alas, an "itis" that I contract far too often. But considering it is the new year, I think mayhaps a change could be coming. I say it every year, but 2015 PLEASE HELP ME BE A GOOD BLOGGER!!! Seriously though.
In order to adhere to my current resolutions, I have some fun-ness lined up for you all, so do stay tuned. As for now, I would like to share my new mark on the world... a spot on a cute partnership of Etsy entrepreneurs called Crafty Collaborations. Here you can purchase a wide variety of various and sundry crafts, works of art, and more for what I like to consider a good price. And what's more? It's a little place where I can sell my humble little art pieces.With customizable options in the making.
So do me an epic-ly awesome favor and check us out! Items added often, so come back regularly to see if we've got what you are looking for!
Dreams handmade here: Crafty Collaborations on Etsy
See you soon,